Next week will be vaccination time which will allow the boys to have visitors. Although it is still early days at the moment we believe the boys to be starting to show the following behaviours/traits (Please Note: these behaviours/traits can and probably will change over the next 4 weeks)
Fudgeberry (Liver Tri colour long tail)- Excitable, showing confidence, first to explore and give things ago, loves attention but sometimes this is not always in a good way. This boy is probably the most outgoing pup of the brothers and with the traits that he is currently showing us we believe this little guy will need ongoing strong positive training so that his “wild side” doesn’t become destructive. Fudgeberry needs an active outdoors lifestyle to keep him busy and likes to play rough although when he is down for the count and worn himself out he is quite happy to curl up in a lap.

Blueberry (Blue Tri colour long tail)- This pup definitely has the ‘hard to say no too’ face in the pack and has the beautiful ‘waggin’ tail to go with it. He seems to have a chameleon type personality adaptable to all type of situations and basically goes with the flow. His sometime, somewhat ‘stand off’ behaviour can be mistaken as reserved, however we think this is more intelligence, always standing back assessing then acting accordingly. The ‘thinker’ of the bunch I can see this guy being easily trained into basically anything he puts his mind to and absolutely loves cuddles. Blueberry is very versatile but we believe he would benefit from a home which is not necessarily busy but has a more enriching environment.

Blackberry (Black Tri colour rumpy/no tail)- This pup is the independent pup of the pack. Doing his own thing most of the time he displays a nonchalant attitude. It is possible this boy will just cruise through life without showing specific traits. He ‘just is’ Blackberry. He is not really a rough and tumble type but will play tug or wrestle with the other boys providing it doesn’t get to intense in which he will abruptly quit and waddle off to find something else to do. Blackberry isn’t a huge seeker of cuddles or pats but also doesn’t avoid it. At this point we couldn’t see Blackberry developing separation anxiety as he is the kinda boy who is pretty content to find things to fill in his time.

At this stage these pups will be registered on the Mains register however we will not be making the decision yet as to whether they will to be able to be bred from (it is possible they will be blocked by us from breeding until their temperaments have been fully accessed around 12 months), therefore if you are wishing to breed from these boys, only well experienced breeders will be considered. We are therefore asking for expressions of interest for these pups you can fill out a puppy application online and maybe even arrange a visit from next weekend on wards (except Saturday 1st September) by popping us an email or calling.