Many of people have expressed an interest in our current ‘Berry Boys’ litter,(Tenterpride Phoenix Sun aka Kona and Aaungara Koolaroo aka Mouse) which is great, as they are very adorable boys. However unlike our other litters, this litter is being watched very closely by us, why you may ask?. Well…. let me explain! . The reason these boys have not yet been offered for sale is because 1) being Kona’s first litter we didn’t know what to expect from her and her puppies regarding what type of mum she would become and what sort of temperaments or traits she may have passed to her puppies and 2) although Mouse is a super cute and cuddly dog he can display timidness in certain situations. So mating this pair was a ‘watch this space’ type situation. We are happy to report that although its early days the boys seem to be adjusting nicely to the world even though we have had some hiccups along the way. They are progressing well in their socialisation training and are making great headway with their developmental skills.